Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The New Day: About the Bible

The New Day: About the Bible: About the Bible In 1535 the first complete English Bible was issued by Miles Coverdale and dedicated to King Henry VIII . Coverda...

Thursday, 15 August 2013

About the Bible

About the Bible

  • In 1535 the first complete English Bible was issued by Miles Coverdale and dedicated to King Henry VIII . Coverdale used Tyndale's version of the  New Testament and of the Pentateuch.

    • The first printed portion of the English Bible appeared in 1525. it was William Tyndale's translation of the New Testament which was printed at Worm in Germany and shipped to England. Tyndale based his version,but on the greek text edited by Erasmus and printed in 1522.

    • The most famous English Bible is the King james Version of 1611. sometimes called the authorized version.

    Wednesday, 14 August 2013

    67th Independence Day

    67th Independence Day

    The word from heart that 's am a true indian , i respect my INDIA, i love my country all about that i must do something for my country, i put a simple question to everyone...
    What we can do for our Country???

    Nowadays National anthem sung by schools are very less , So we have take a decision in a strict order to sung a song regularly.
    Teach a National leader with photograph ,who work for independence 
    plant a trees in their names , moreover unknown Independence leader history  we can added in that
    Old schools must be reconstructed , we can give good knowledge not only in studies apart from that extra curricular activities like  karathey ,swimming, all indoor and outdoor, first aid help
    Studies such as law's from  school level must be added,
    We can create sports personality from school level , encourage for athletic, International games , world games etc
    Electricity,water must be uses less consumption
    Improve Solar Energy must be added,
    Ban tobacco, liquor etc to protect our youngsters
     Encourage Science and technology from the school level by doing interesting practicals,
    Encourage studies for Satellite , Working for Army , Navy etc 
    Plant trees in every home is should be strictly ordered
    Encourage by helping poor,Constructed homes etc, 
    Encourage new studies in INDIA based on International level  and lot...
    Do it for your Country... Automatically Country becomes Reach,Strong...